Maya Mahabala

* additional information to be added *

Starts with a Dancer's Costume


Battle Magic

Knows Frizz
Singes a single enemy with a small fireball

Learns Sap around level 4 or 5
Reduces the defence of a single enemy

Learns Sizz around level 8
Singes a group of enemies with a blazing fire

Learns Bang around level 11
Damages all enemies with a small explosion

Learns Sizzle around level 13 or 14
Burns a group of enemies with a blazing wall of fire

Learns Drain Magic around level 16
Steals MP from a single enemy

Learns Frizzle around level 18 or 19
Burns a single enemy with a large fireball

Learns Boom around level 23
Engulfs all enemies in a large explosion

Learns Kasizzle around level 27
Scorches a group of enemies with blazing hellfire

Learns Puff around level 30
Transform into a fire-breathing dragon

Learns Kafrizzle around level 33
Incinerates a single enemy with an enormous fireball

Learns Kaboom around level 36
Blasts all enemies with an incredibly violent explosion

Field Magic

Learns Zoom around level 8
Blasts all enemies with an incredibly violent explosion

Learns Evac around level 9
Exit instantly from dungeons, caves and towers

Learns Safe Passage around level 21
Allows party members to pass unscathed over harmful ground

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Dragon Quest IV : Chapters of the Chosen DS Walkthrough