Check out the Desert Bazaar

Enter the tent below

* description to be added *
(6 gold coins per party member)

Leave the Inn

Check out the Weapon Shop across from the tent

Weapon Collector Tip
To Be Added

Check out the Armour Shop to the left

Armour Collector Tip
To Be Added

Walk down to the pot merchant

Smash the top left pot and the bottom middle pot
(Seed of Strength and Medicinal Herb)

Smash the top right pot
(Horse Manure)

Item Collector Tip
To Be Added

Talk to the soldier to the left of the pot merchant

Enter the tent above

Talk to the man sitting above the fire

Smash the left pot at the top
(Seed of Agility)

Leave the tent

Talk to the man outside the tent

Check out the Item Shop to the left

* picture to be added *
Use Borya's Zoom spell to return to Zamoksva
(otherwise use a Chimaera Wing or just walk)

Previous Link To Be Added

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Dragon Quest IV : Chapters of the Chosen DS Walkthrough