
* additional information to be added *

Starts with Wayfarer's Clothes and an Oaken Club


Battle Magic

Knows Heal
Restores at least 30 HP to a single ally

Learns Buff around level 5
Raises the defence of a single party member

Learns Dazzle around level 6 or 7
Envelops a group of enemies in illusions

Learns Fizzle around level 12 or 13
Prevents a group of enemies from using magic

Learns Kabuff around level 14 or 15
Raises the defence of all party members

Learns Midheal around level 17
Restores at least 75 HP to a single ally

Learns Whack around level 18
A cursed incantation that sends an enemy to the hereafter

Learns Zing around level 21
Resurrects a fallen ally with half HP restored

Learns Thwack around level 24
An incantation that sends a group of enemies to the hereafter

Learns Fullheal around level 27
Restores all HP to a single ally

Learns Multiheal around level 30
Restores at least 75 HP to all party members

Learns Kazing around level 33
Resurrects a fallen ally to full health

Field Magic

Knows Heal
Restores at least 30 HP to a single ally

Learns Squelch around level 8 or 9
Cures a single ally of the effects of poison

Learns Midheal around level 17
Restores at least 75 HP to a single ally

Learns Zing around level 21
Resurrects a fallen ally with half HP restored

Learns Fullheal around level 27
Restores all HP to a single ally

Learns Multiheal around level 30
Restores at least 75 HP to all party members

Learns Kazing around level 33
Resurrects a fallen ally to full health

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Dragon Quest IV : Chapters of the Chosen DS Walkthrough